Data Analytics and Reporting

EDUCLO platform lets you meet reporting and compliance requirements for internal controls, quality assurance and audit trails. Our platform is prebuilt with the capability to capture specific data required by the accreditation council and accreditation board lets you be on top of the game to enhance the quality and performance of the enterprise.


EDUCLO platform enables your enterprise to retain the dominance to strengthen the key performance indicators such as recruitment, retention, and student learning outcomes. The robust analytics program can drive success in all areas, including advancement, finance, human resources and procurement. The education enterprises are also bound to meet the respective national accreditation board requirements for their courses and also meet the accreditation council requirements for their institutions to maintain the licence. Several data indicators represent the quality standards that are set by the accreditation bodies. With the EDUCLO platform, the data and reporting required by the accreditation bodies are automated and inbuilt so that the entire data-capturing process is automated and inbuilt. This means the data is captured in every step of the organisation's functioning and the report is available in real time at any time to submit to the regulatory bodies. The data capturing is maintained as actionable data with the analytics strategy. EDUCLO platform is built with seamless data capture as per the structure to meet the regulatory and compliance requirements in the respective countries of operation.

EDUCLO has prebuilt cloud infrastructure along with flexibility to support the success of reporting, analytics and artificial intelligence. The reporting is also focused on the students who require support. The platform is customised with education-centric models that meet common needs with additional flexibility to best serve the institutional goals.The EDUCLO platform will be further enhanced to establish analytics data operations with the agile principles for testing, automation, and measuring outcomes to ensure that the relevant information is in the right hands and at the right place to bring value to the decision-makers. With the National Accreditation Council report data and the National Accreditation Board data such as the Student-faculty ratio, Compliance status to pre-visit qualifiers, Provision to capture the self-assessment report and evaluation report, the process of capturing the data, processing the data and reporting automation is the best offer the enterprises can access so that the enterprise is working in an agile environment working towards their core organisational success factors to scale the dissemination of the education and scale the operations to suit the growing enrolments.